Visit to Catholicos Aram I

On Monday, March 16, 2010, the Armenian Catholicossate of the Holy See of Cilicia released a communiqué  in Armenian (below is its translation), in the Aztag Daily, about the visit of JMP Associate for Program Management Sara Todd and JMP–Lebanon Director Seta Pamboukian to His Holiness Catholicos Aram I of the Holy See of Cilicia, on March 15, 2010.

Sara Todd, JMP Associate for Program Management
Sara Todd, JMP Associate for Program Management

On Monday, March 15, 2010, His Holiness Catholicos Aram I of the Holy See of Cilicia received “Jinishian” humanitarian foundation’s Director Sara Todd, accompanied by the Lebanon Program Director, Seta Pamboukian.

His Holiness expressed his appreciation of the “Jinishian” accomplishments, particularly in the Middle East.

After hearing the U.S. Commission’s concerns, perspectives, and the decrease of allocations to the Armenian communities in the Middle East, particularly in the past several years, he expressed his dissatisfaction.

His Holiness emphasized that the assistance to the Armenian communities in the Middle East must be kept a priority, first in order to faithfully apply benefactor Vartan Jinishian’s Will, and also for the purpose of keeping the Christian witness strong in the Middle East.

While acknowledging the global financial crisis, His Holiness considered it necessary that churches and foundations like JMP should not sacrifice their priorities to other reconsiderations.

He requested that his dissatisfaction and concerns be conveyed to the Armenian and non-Armenian members of the Commission in the United States.

It is worth noting that “Jinishian” in its ecumenical spirit, assists all needy Armenian families without discrimination, and plays a great role in this regard in various Middle Eastern countries.